2-Pack SECUR360 2000-Lumen LED Outdoor Smart Security Flood Light

  • 2000 lumens to scare intruders or help you see your way up the driveway at night
  • Can connect them to wifi so you can control them via a digital assistant
  • Are they available in Georgia Red: Nope, just ‘hurts your eyes’ white light
see more product specs

Cheap, Bright

On one of our previous sales, @werehatrack provided this helpful comment:

Note: “Weather Resistant” is not the same as “Weatherproof”. These are designed only to resist the occasional few drops of blown rain that reaches their somewhat-protected location. They will not remain unflooded if mounted in a location fully exposed to the elements. The instructions and specs are not sufficiently clear about this.

Not the best feature for a couple lights that you’re supposed to, you know, put outside. Then again, these aren’t really the best floodlights on the market.

But they just might be some of the cheapest.

We mention this because floodlights aren’t products people think about very often. Earbuds. Vacuums. Coffee machines. Kitchen appliances of all kinds, really. When it comes to each of these things, you have some idea of what the price tag is gonna look like, so when you see something that falls well outside the expected range, you know immediately: that’s REALLY cheap. But, unless you just happen to have been shopping for floodlights recently, you really don’t have any idea what you should expect.

So let us explain it this way. This is like finding earbuds for $5 or a stick vac for $50. Or, this comment from user @LankHairdoo might help frame things:

Yeah but at $20 each it cost me that much just to replace the motion sensor on my current lights. I’m going to get these as spares. And I can probably use them on Home Assistant through the Google integration.

And that was when we sold these for about $40. Today, we’re offering a 2-pack for $30. Although, as @hamjudo points out, this might not be the appropriate way to think about them:

Ignore the “2-Pack” in the description. This is one light, plus a replacement for when the first fails after the warranty expires.

TL;DR: they’re not perfect, but they sure are inexpensive. Worth a shot, right?

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