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Tara, 31


Matt , 34


Jen , 33


Mark , 30


Why +2M Singles Are Using Our Services

Our members are looking for their very own love story and we do everything to help them achieve it.

Feel Safe With Us

You don’t have to worry about security and privacy. We moderate every single profile picture and description on our site, and the protection of your personal data is our priority.

Find Your Match

On iLove, dating profiles are very detailed. You can find matches using the criteria search or just browse through the array of member profiles and see your top matches.

Try a Video Date

Not ready for a date yet? Forget all the awkwardness of first dates and get those all-important first impressions without leaving your home.

Our Success Stories

Here are just a few of them: real-life single men and women who were ready to start a relationship and trusted iLove to help them find it. Maybe the next success story we can tell will be yours!

Jen & Nick

“The matchmaking algorithm is impressive, it helped me find someone who truly fits me by answering some simple questions.”

Katy & Ryan

“This dating site is amazing! The video chat function allowed me to connect with my match on a deeper level before meeting in person.”

Martin & Emma

“I can’t thank this dating site enough! I met the love of my life and we got married. Thank you for bringing us together!”

How Do You Show You’re Ready
For a Real Love Story?

Be calm. Be kind. Be yourself.

The Psychology of Attraction

Attraction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has intrigued scientists, psychologists, and individuals for centuries. Understanding the psychology of attraction can provide valuable insights

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How To Write An Irresistible Dating Profile

Make sure yours stands out by reading our online dating guide.
Understand the 8 secrets to create an irresistible online dating profile
according to a professional dating coach